Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thank you for your...inconsideration

Is it just me or are people becoming increasingly rude and inconsiderate?  I ride the train to and from work every day and have witnessed this.  

First, there are the smokers.  I believe the mind of a smoker tells them to walk just fast enough so that the nonsmoker behind them can't pass him/her.  This same mind has a smoker blocking the entry to the Walgreens Pharmacy that I'm entering to get my asthma medication.   Might you let me get over my asthma before allowing me the courtesy of contacting emphysema?  Should my lungs collapse, I’d like for it to be from some new disease, not from an old hand-me-down, like secondhand smoke!

And lets hear it for those other inconsiderate folks who, unlike my four-year-old niece, like to cough without covering their mouths.   Isn’t this learned the first week in preschool, along with the color blue?  While the swine flu may leave a great taste in your mouth, how about you keep it there.

And don’t think the people changing lanes without signaling are off the hook.  You do realize that you paid for the signal when you purchased the car, right?  You won’t be charged for each instance of signal usage.  So go ahead, get your money’s worth.  Use it even if you’re not changing lanes.  Just use it.

I just don't understand people who don't grasp or practice common courtesy or use common since.  How about I walk ahead of a smoker, all the while spraying a can of Raid insect spray (the one for outdoor use), as if it was Chanel No.5?  (And yes, I seriously consider this Every.  Single.  Day.).

I so want to like you, but you're making it hard for me.